
Using accessible spaces, we facilitate online and in person events that inspire, empower and connect folx of all/no genders. Our events include speakers and storytellers, networking and support. After each gathering, we donate partial proceeds to a local initiative benefitting Vancouver’s marginalized communities.

We are striving to create a financially, socially and physically accessible environment for all. All our venues will have wheelchair accessibility, gender neutral bathrooms, and we offer sliding scale and a limited number of sponsored tickets. To offer any feedback on ways we can improve on inclusion, visit our Get Involved page.

Grace Club x Book Club
7:00 PM19:00

Grace Club x Book Club

An ongoing series of online gatherings to support our community learn and grow together, through the reading and discussion of curated books.

Join us for our first virtual Grace Club Book Club- an intimate gathering on Zoom, to discuss the book Burnout: The Secret To Unlocking The Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski (audio or paper, whatever floats your boat).

The workbook (available on Amazon) is also recommended, but not essential.

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Grace Lab x Decolonizing Practices: Decolonizing 101
7:00 PM19:00

Grace Lab x Decolonizing Practices: Decolonizing 101

From Denial to Acceptance- Decolonizing 101

Grace Labs are similar to Grace Club speaker series in their vision and intention, but are a deeper dive into a specific educational opportunity. 

What is Decolonizing? And why does it matter? This is your invitation to come explore this question. 

This will be an unforgettable online workshop guided by Ta7taliya Michelle Nahanee, Squamish of Decolonizing Practices (@decolonizefirst)  and Jacqueline Jennings, Mixed Heritage, Cree, Anishinaabe, Métis and settler descent.

Think of it as a Decolonizing 101 Learning Lab.

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6:30 PM18:30

Grace Club + Book Club


Are you a passionate learner, but maybe a slow, easily distracted reader (thanks Netflix), and you crave more accountability for nurturing a steady reading habit?  Are you a respectful human, who is wired for connection and happy to participate in healthy discourse, or sometimes just observe it?

Well then, Grace Club Book Club welcomes you with open arms!

This is an easy, affordable way to connect with lovely humans, further intersectional feminist discussion, and encourage growth and activism within our #GraceClubYVR community... who’s in?

Suggested membership fee for those attending will be $5 -$15 per event to help pay for the space rental and anything left over will go towards one of our favourite local grassroots organizations WISH Vancouver . 

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6:00 PM18:00

Grace Club: Reclaiming Our Bodies


Our society has a narrow definition of what a worthy body is, and will challenge that very idea. Because of mixed messaging, we often end up feeling confused and disconnected from our bodies. Grace Club will examine and explore how to cultivate a healthy and inclusive framing of all bodies, and make space for celebrating diversity and uniqueness.

Join us Thursday April 2nd for an evening of compassionate conversation and radical exploration into various liberating perspectives and lived experiences, around being in our bodies, and how we can start relating to our bodies in a new way. We will discuss topics such as body image, ableism, and transphobia, while exploring perspectives such as body positivity and body neutrality.

Speakers Hillary McBrideSavoy Williams, and Heather McCain are going to share their different experiences of embodiment, with host of the most Lystra Germaine Sam holding space. 

We will discuss topics such as body image, ableism, and transphobia, while exploring perspectives such as body positivity and body neutrality.

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6:00 PM18:00

Let's Talk About Sex


What: Join us for an intimate Grace Club evening discussing the topic of Sex Positivity!

For this event, we'll explore various liberating perspectives, in order to de-mystify and de-stigmatize what is too often shrouded in secrecy and shame. This will be a judgement-free zone, where we'll learn from our speakers' expertise and experience, and allow for some lively Q & A.

When: Monday March 9th 6-9pm

Where: Suite Genius Mt Pleasant , #200- 225 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver BC. This venue is wheelchair accessible, and has gender neutral washrooms.

Who: Speakers Gillian McCormickMorgan Switzer-Rodney, and Jenn Doan, along with host Savannah Erasmus, will cover aspects such as sexual health, the anatomy of pleasure, kink, shame, and well, how to have better sex! Open to all womxn (cis or trans) and non-binary folx.

Gillian McCormick's first job is pelvic health physiotherapist. Her second is as podcast Co-Host for the Small Conversations for a Better World podcast. Lastly, she is an advocate for Clean Beauty. She is also a wife and a mother of two teen-aged children. She lives and works in her community, North Vancouver, British Columbia. She values people, family, nature, health, movement, inspiration, creativity and courage. She is intrigued by the transitions in human lives and loves to shepherd her clients across the threshold of new experience. Gillian brings over 20 years' experience to the Pandora’s Box of Pelvic Health. She is fascinated with the interconnectedness of the body systems, of human lives, of biological systems – consideration of how it all works together and the mysteries still unknown help find her place in our chaotic world.

Morgan Switzer-Rodney is a young Black, kinky, queer femme, full-time activist and part-time artist residing on the stolen ancestral lands of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm, S’ólh Téméxw, Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw, and səl̓ilwətaɁɬ peoples. This time last year, she was being targeted with jube jube laden slingshots by her Aunt, !Kona, and other members of her chosen leather family at local annual kink conference West Coast Bound. Morgan has been bootblacking for the last two years as a form of service to her community amongst other things. She has been co-curator of the salon series Black Chat for the last 3 years. Running this space out-of-pocket and her home space, this work is a foundational act to counter the constant policing of Black lives, and to shine a light on the importance of intergenerational organizing. She was a core member and organizer of Black Lives Matter-Vancouver, working to unite the Black community in the lower mainland through art, dance, community conversation and protest, to fight the oppressive forces that be. Morgan works (and plays) through a foundational and intersectional feminist lens that begins with, and centralizes, women of colour, especially queer and trans women of colour.

Jennifer Doan is a sex & relationship coach and host of the podcast Taking Back Slut. She believes virginity & gender are social constructs, that sexuality is as fluid as her iced coffee and that everyone deserves to feel empowered by sex. Jenn has been featured in Cosmopolitan, Bustle, Slutty Girl Problems and Tinder. She helps womxn all over the world connect with their bodies, find confidence and have great sex. Follow her on Instagram @jenn_doan for rants and unapologetic nudes. 

Partial proceeds from this event will be going to The Unist’ot’en (C’ihlts’ehkhyu / Big Frog Clan) who are the original Wet’suwet’en Yintah Wewat Zenli distinct to the lands of the Wet’suwet’en. Your contribution ensures that supporters on the land have food and medical supplies, that Unist’ot’en Youth are able to visit their territories, that Wet’suwet’en Elders have the necessary materials on the land to teach traditional hunting, gathering, food processing, language skills, songs, stories and more. Your monetary contributions enable the Unist’ot’en Clan to stop the pipelines that threaten all of us.

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6:00 PM18:00

Grace Lab x Decolonizing Practices


From Denial to Acceptance- Decolonizing 101

Grace Labs are similar to Grace Club speaker series in their vision and intention, but are a deeper dive into a specific educational opportunity. 

Grace Lab x Decolonizing Practices

What is Decolonizing? And why does it matter? This is your invitation to come explore this question. 

This will be an unforgettable workshop guided by Michelle Nahanee, Squamish of Decolonizing Practices   and Jacqueline Jennings, Mixed Heritage, Cree, Anishinaabe, Métis and settler descent.

Think of it as a Decolonizing 101 Learning Lab.

“Decolonizing Practices are actions we can take, words we can say & ideas we can unlearn/learn to address the challenge of where to start within the enormity of Reconciliation.” - Michelle Nahanee

Can you see your roles within this work? Decolonization is for everybody, supporting us all to move beyond neocolonial denial and be better ancestors. This Grace Lab will help you build the resilience you need to stay in the dialogue of decolonization and generate commitments you can grow with.

Meeting everyone where they are at, we will be exploring our complicity within colonialism, guided by decolonial love and matriarchal care.

Go to to learn more!

Grace Club meets on the unceded and occupied territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Səl̓ílwətaʔ (Tsleil-Watuth) nations of the Coast Salish people.

We are committed to moving toward a future that’s all about revealing, renewal and rediscovery. 

Join us! Humans of all ages, all genders, all abilities, and all expressions are welcome.

What to expect:

  • Facilitated Sharing Circle

  • Play of Sínulhkay and Ladders game

  • Activating your personal connection to Decolonization! 

Please share this event with your networks; friends, family, students, educators, co-workers, and business owners.

In order to be as inclusive and accessible as possible, we are offering 4 types of tickets-

  • $80 financially secure 

  • $40 financially steady

  • $0 financially precarious (Think of this as a waitlist- we will allocate when we know how many scholarships have been funded) 

  • $40-80 Donation ticket- We highly encourage you to pay it forward, purchase a ticket for someone who may face barriers to attend.

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Exploring Intimacy and Attraction
6:15 PM18:15

Exploring Intimacy and Attraction

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Join us for an inclusive evening that explores the intricacies of what is often seen as a taboo topic. We’ll be discussing and redefining how we see and experience Attraction- and challenging the ways we typically interact with intimate energy in our lives.

Our goal is to give you a starting point- a brave space to explore different perspectives on the subject of Intimacy. We believe that reflecting on and creating conversation around what we want, and how we want it, opens us up and clears a pathway towards providing ourselves with what we need.

Grace Club is open to all genders, all expressions- tell your friends.


Lauren Sundstrom is a trans activist, mentor, public speaker and professional communicator. Having navigated Vancouver’s dating scene as a trans woman for the better part of 14 years, Lauren has picked up some interesting insights on intimacy and attraction. She’ll speak on double standards she has faced while dating cisgender, heterosexual men, deep shame around being trans, the internal struggle of disclosure, and where she stands on all of it today as an out and proud transgender woman. Navigating intimacy as a trans woman who’s attracted to men has been a challenge, and with the very real threat of violence always looming, Lauren has had to learn how to date, have sex and live her life with careful consideration and insights few other women have.

Meghan Campbell is a writer, speaker and coach who has been training in a professional capacity for over seven years. Through work that includes writing, group workshops and one-on-one coaching and consulting, she creates space for a safe and tethered exploration of life’s challenges—particularly the ones we’re forced to confront in circumstances beyond our control. Meghan began @meghantalks with an examination of her own struggles, emerging from this exploration with a desire to share hard-fought lessons. Her ethos is simple: that this world would be a better place if we were more willing to share our lived experiences and learnings, and it has become her life's work to do just that. She seeks to provide tools that allow us to do that for ourselves and for others with real, open and honest vulnerability. Meghan will be focusing on the importance of reconnecting with yourself after a relationship has ended. She'll be discussing what intimacy (and dating!) can entail when the relationship you're cultivating is the one you've got with yourself, exploring the newfound notion of what it means to be self-partnered. Please note: Meghan's talk will touch briefly upon abusive within intimate relationships.

Jules Webber is a Life Coach specializing in Intimacy, Feminine Energy, and Relationships. Jules works to help womxn feel free from the shame they’ve experienced by teaching them how to reconnect with their femininity, their radical self-acceptance, and the sense of empowerment they long for, but sometimes feel afraid of. After her carefully-curated life plan was suddenly derailed by the very early birth of her first daughter, Jules felt stalled in her creativity, her career, her sexuality, and her vulnerability. She learned the disempowering nature of connecting her value to the success or failure of her relationships, and began healing the only relationship she’d be in forever: the one with herself. Jules created a one-to-one coaching program, where she helps womxn reconnect with their feminine, maternal love for themselves. In addition to coaching, she is a mother, writer, and storyteller. Jules will be speaking on healing our relationship with the masculine and feminine, and how they are both amplified when we feel safe enough to be seen in our pleasure.

Savannah Erasmus is Cree-Metis and was raised in Kikino, AB, one of 8 recognized Metis land settlements in North America. Her intention as a journalist is to share positive stories of hardworking, creative, funny, political, stubborn, beautiful indigenous humans in Canada. Current media rarely tells these stories and she cannot wait to produce content that reflects her dream. Savannah also writes and performs political stand up routines on the unceded, traditional territory of the Musqeum, Squamish and Tsleil-Watuth nations in Vancouver, BC. Her intention with stand-up comedy is use laughter to dissect the colonial stereotypes that she has endured her entire life. She compares her life to her white boyfriend’s and his white privilege while also revealing emotional truths about herself and her life.

Partial proceeds from this event will be going to PACE Society.
PACE Society is located in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, BC, Canada. They offer low-barrier programming and support in order to serve Vancouver’s most marginalized populations; people who often fall through the cracks due to ineligibility for services that require a fixed address or drug and alcohol abstinence can access our services. In this respect, PACE is on the frontline of support for those in Vancouver who need it most. PACE is made up of dedicated, compassionate individuals who are committed to providing Sex Worker-led and driven programs and services to Sex Workers. PACE promotes safer working conditions by reducing harm and isolation through education and support. They believe that Sex Workers are valuable members of our community and are entitled to the same rights as all other human beings. They envision a future where all sex workers are free from the risk of violence, discrimination, social stigmas, and harms so they may enjoy the same rights as all other Canadian citizens including the rights to life, liberty, security of the person, and equal protection under the law.

Please consider donating a ticket or contributing straight to our cause through the DONATE button through the link for ticket sales here:


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